Recycle Bin

Speed Up Your Windows Computer, Part 1

I get questions regularly about how people’s computers are running slower than they were when they were new. Well, so am I. After a few years, everything slows down a bit. However, with a computer, you have some options to speed them back up. Many times these recommendations will work and then only sometimes well,…

Things Wanted, Part 4

I never realized the past three articles would provide me with so much email from readers.  So today I will close out the series with one final shot at discussing things people want to know most from me.  One follow up to last week.  I did not recommend the $49 version of various tablets and…

2013 Sites in Review, Part 2

This week I will continue with the second half of the links we talked about last year at Remember, if the site addresses are too long to type I have shortened them with  Here they are in their order of appearance with short descriptions of each. Dropbox –   A very good cloud…