Common Questions, Part 2

Common Questions, Part 2

Last week we looked at some of the random questions I have gotten from time-to-time over the years. Today, we will proceed with additional questions and answers. You requested more after last week’s session, so here they are. Q: What is RAM? A: Random Access Memory, commonly known as RAM, is a form of computer…

Thanks Amazon!

So on November 20 I ordered this from Amazon: It was supposed to arrive on Nov. 22.  On that day I received an email saying it would be delivered on Friday.  I checked the shipping and it was in Richmond in the morning and Michigan that afternoon?  Then it went to Connecticut? Friday I received…

Surface Pro

I am testing a new type of computer, at least for me.  They first came into the public view in early to mid-2013 depending on where on the globe you are located.  You know the one as the marketing for this “new” computer was worldwide and abundant.  You know all the happy people dancing around…