That Really Bugs Me!

Well, I am going to my soapbox this week.  Being a nerd I get questions from people all the time asking for help on different things, which is fine.  I am always happy to give my two cents worth on technical issues.  But sometimes, when I am an unknown in stores, etcetera, I hear some…

Things Wanted, Part 1

I get emails frequently asking a basic, "Ron is there a site (or application) that I can use to do…?"  You can fill in whatever you are wondering about for the last part of that question.  Today I thought I would mention a few of the more popular requests. Many people have several email accounts. …

2013 Sites in Review, Part 2

This week I will continue with the second half of the links we talked about last year at Remember, if the site addresses are too long to type I have shortened them with  Here they are in their order of appearance with short descriptions of each. Dropbox –   A very good cloud…