Read to Me

Over several of the past weeks we have talked about talking to your devices.  Whether asking for them to give you directions, the temperature, local movies playing, the time, etc.  We also spoke about dictating to some of your devices and word processors.  For some it could, and does, make it much easier to type…

Google Tricks, Part 3

For the last couple of weeks I have told you about some interesting Google tricks you can do, some helpful, others fun.  Your interest in emails has shown me that you would like a couple more of their tricks, so here we go.  Remember always start on the main page for these to work. …

2015-02-16 Show Notes

Here are the Monday morning links and podcast if you missed it live. Have a great day and see you next time. Tech NewsWindows 10 is a free upgrade for all 7 and 8.1 users Wondering how much Windows 10 will set you back? In most cases, nothing. Microsoft has announced that the new…

Online Docs May Be the Answer

Last week we looked at the confusion regarding the many choices with Microsoft Office.  I said I would have another solution for Lindsey and you this week.    Here are two more good options.  Office Live or OneDrive (formerly known as SkyDrive) depending on where you read about it or Google Drive ( or just get…


Last time we looked at some of the neat features in Google’s newer device called "Chromecast."  I liked the column so much I went out and bought one for my household.  (Wow, I am easily persuaded.)  It works as described with new features and applications being added all the time.  I did have several reader…

Office – Which Office?

I received a great question today from one of my regular readers and writers, so thanks Ivan for turning me around.  I was going to have an entirely different theme today but it will have to wait. Ivan asked, "What choices do I have beside Microsoft Office to install on my computer?"  I thought that…

Thrive, Even in the Cold

This should be the final time I write about my Toshiba Thrive.  Here are the 1st and 2nd articles.  (Well, OK most likely the last one.) But two more questions about it need to be answered. These were the most common questions I received about it from my readers. First, it has Android Honeycomb as…

Office Tricks, again

Today we will continue on with our last week’s discussion about tricks and tips for Office, which generated a lot of email, thanks! Try this. Open up a blank Word document and type the following sentence on a new blank line (without quotes) exactly as it appears here, without edits for spelling or capitalization. "teh…