Ron's Thumb Drive

Thumb Drives

Do you have a data stick, key chain drive, jump drive, pen drive, thumb drive, USB flash drive, or any other name you may have heard of for a portable storage device? My preference is “thumb drive,” so that is what I will stick with here. A thumb drive is a portable device that can…

Read a Book

I wrote a year or so ago about a couple of ways to get eBooks for your reading.  Things change and move on so today I would like to talk about them again.  Today we will discuss three them I have tested. The first is a freebie with only one easy caveat, you must have…

Google Tricks, Part 3

For the last couple of weeks I have told you about some interesting Google tricks you can do, some helpful, others fun.  Your interest in emails has shown me that you would like a couple more of their tricks, so here we go.  Remember always start on the main page for these to work. …

Program Installations with a Twist, Part 1

This column was brought about by a group of us geeks discussing the current Windows operating systems.  Of course, this included the Windows Registry and the way applications are now installed on a Windows based computer.  Basically there was a consensus that we would like to do away with the registry and the way applications…