Useful Android Apps, Part 4

Last week we looked at Android apps (most also available for iPhones) that help you with research, collecting information, podcasts, players and audiobook readers. Today a few more very useful apps but first a reference back to last week. I used the term “newb” (spelled N  E  W  B) last week and several people emailed…

What is That?

I stumbled across a very interesting application for my phone the other day.  I have often thought it would be neat to take a picture of something and get information on the subject. With the CamFind application, you can. Find it at  It retrieves information fairly accurately on many, but not all, things that…

Icon Do It!

Before I get into today’s discussion I wanted to mention the column from last week.  If you missed last week’s column you will have to buy last week’s paper or go to to check it out.  The link that I mentioned about County Codes,, was visited by 41 readers.  Thanks for looking!…


I had a great email from AP telling me about someone teaching her a great windows feature this week.  I thought I had written about this hidden feature long ago.  In searching through all of my columns I found that I had not, so today we will take a look. You know how it works……