Need Screenshots?

Amy wrote recently and asked what tool I use for screenshots on my site and in training manuals I have written.  I told her I wrote about that five or so years ago, but it may be time to review. First, what is a screenshot?  A screenshot is pretty much defined by its name.  It…

Good News and a Warning

A few weeks back I wrote about an application you could use to retrieve deleted files from a computer’s drive, SD Card, etc.  This was really highlighted when I got an email from Tom in Harrisonburg, about his adventure with that application, Recuva.  It began with, "I took a deep breath, downloaded, installed and ran…

Piriform Tools, Part 2

Last week I talked about two of Piriform’s excellent tools for keeping your computer in good shape. CCleaner and Defraggler. Today we will look at two others. Speccy is a very good application from Piriform; however, it is one I rarely use. You should download it and run it anyway just so you can have…

Things Wanted, Part 4

I never realized the past three articles would provide me with so much email from readers.  So today I will close out the series with one final shot at discussing things people want to know most from me.  One follow up to last week.  I did not recommend the $49 version of various tablets and…

2014-05-19 WSVA Show Notes

Welcome to today’s Show Notes and Podcast. I hope you enjoy listening and reading what went on today. Not many items covered but many interesting discussions. Tech NewsSA police to verify identities with Android fingerprint scanner A fleet of 150 Android-powered mobile fingerprint biometric scanners from NEC will be deployed to allow the South Australian…

Backing Up

I have mentioned the importance of backing up your important electronic files before.  It really is important if you intend to use those files in the future.  Whether it is your previous tax returns, (done on your computer or the scanned version of your paper copies) emails or documents of any type you need to…