The Fallout

If you read last week’s column, I touted the great technology we have today that makes working offsite or “working from home” possible today. During this time of upheaval, it is very convenient. You could even work from a restaurant…if one were open. I have worked from home (WFH) many times over the past years….

Facebook Messenger

A couple of years ago I wrote about Facebook. I have written about it several times over the years. In my reviews, I am not always complimentary. To me, it is a very unorganized mass of information. The posts are rearranged in some unknown manner that is only understood by the Facebook developers resulting in…

Phone Spoofing

Time for Ron to do a little whining as two things have recently popped up that bug me.  I figure they may also bother a few of you.  They are local phone number calls and Facebook tracking us.  This week Phone issues, next week Facebook. I posted to Facebook (this is not about tracking yet),…

Schemes, Part 4

There is another scam that you may have heard of floating around the internet.  It is not a joke and is not to be ignored if it happens to you. You may be working on your computer and get a phone call.  The caller may tell you they are from Microsoft, or some other tech…

Schemes, Part 2

Today on Part 2 of looking at different schemes that are knocking on our phones, emails, and even doors we will look at a couple which have hit me recently.  I am no different from you, so if I am getting them some of you are too.  So here are your alerts, warnings and call…