Five Very Useful Sites

Five Very Useful Sites

As time goes on, I learn about, and use, sites, and software apps, that can be very helpful. Today I thought I would suggest five that I, personally, find useful. Whether you are a new or experienced computer user you can benefit from them. These are listed in alphabetical order. Let us take a look….

Hamburger possiblities

How about a Hamburger?

Universal Icons are something that you know about and may not have known you knew. Think about some of these icons. The symbol of a house, an arrow pointing to the right, a Holmesian magnifying glass, a heart, a hand with the thumb pointing up or down and many, many more. You have it; the…

Yubikey Installed into USB port

More Security with Yubikey

Earlier this year… I made a few suggestions about your password safety. One of the things I recommended, and still do, is LastPast, which you can find here, Here is a very quick review of LastPass. It allows you to save your login credentials, such as usernames and passwords to the app. You create…



What do all the following require… if you have an account with them; email, online banking, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, or any other site? This includes your newspaper account at the DNR and your free classes at GrayHaired.Tech. Of course, several things. First, a website to go to, next a username, and finally a password. Sites…

Chrome Password Manager

  I have stated before that my browser of choice is Google Chrome.  In my opinion, it is “currently” the better browser of the main ones.  At the end of 2017, W3Counter states that the top browsers used are Chrome, (59%) Safari, (15%) Firefox, (9%) Internet Explorer/Edge (8%) and Opera (4%).  Notice the significant gap…

PIN or Password

  From emails, I hear many got new Windows 10 computers for Christmas and it is encouraging you do use a Pin and not a Password to secure it. Is a four-digit pin a good idea to use over your either character password? Microsoft says it is a very good security feature for your computer….

A Paper That Changed Our World

A Paper That Changed Our World

You know everyone makes mistakes; however, not many make as far reaching a mistake as Bill Burr.  Mr. Burr is the person responsible for the current password guidelines he dispersed and he now says the instruction was wrong. He authored an eight-page document which was OK’d by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.  He…

Need Your Password?

This column will presuppose you have your browser set up to automatically save your websites’ passwords.  Some people do not but many do save their passwords in their browser so they can very quickly log into websites.  I use it in Google Chrome but you can do the same thing in all of the major…