Windows 10

For a while now I have put off installing Windows 10 which also led to me not writing about it; however, this has now changed. I installed the "Windows 10 Insider Preview" several months ago and have been putting it through some paces. Windows 10 will be given away free to people who have a…

PC Spring Cleaning, Part 3

The last two weeks we looked at some of the ways you need to physically clean your computer for spring or any other time of the year. Today we will clean your computer’s software. First, make sure that you are regularly checking your Operating Systems upgrades, i.e. HaWindows 7, 8.1, etc.  Yes, you may have…

Passcode, What Passcode?

Robert wrote me recently with a question I had never received before.  It was an excellent question. I am sure some of you have bumped up against before, too.  He wrote saying that he had just gotten back from a vacation out of the country and had not wanted to be bothered by work.  To…

Program Installations with a Twist, Part 1

This column was brought about by a group of us geeks discussing the current Windows operating systems.  Of course, this included the Windows Registry and the way applications are now installed on a Windows based computer.  Basically there was a consensus that we would like to do away with the registry and the way applications…

Power of the Broom, Part 1

According to the Internet, "Ubuntu" is an African word from the Bantu language "which has no direct translation into English, but is used to describe a particular African world-view in which people can only find fulfillment through interacting with other people…" Desmond Tutu has a good definition of it if you wish to take a…