God Mode

The column that was censored. If you are one of my regular readers you realize that this column was not in the DNR today.  They contacted me before press time and said that they thought it was too advanced and could cause people to mess up their computers.  All of these commands are available in…

Power of the Broom, Part 3

In review, Ubuntu is a free Linux based operating system that you could use to replace Windows on your computer.  I will hit a few more Ubuntu specialties today and move on next week. Since Ubuntu is free you would think that getting help about how to use things would be impossible.  However, since there…

Power of the Broom, Part 1

According to the Internet, "Ubuntu" is an African word from the Bantu language "which has no direct translation into English, but is used to describe a particular African world-view in which people can only find fulfillment through interacting with other people…" Desmond Tutu has a good definition of it if you wish to take a…