Office 2013-Outlook

Well, not all of the Office 2013 applications have a lot new going for them and Outlook is one of them.  It really has not changed that much.  It is cleaner, which is the Windows 8 "look."  As I stated in the past it is, in my opinion, boring.  As with the other Office apps…

Office 2013-Excel, Part 1

Before we start on Excel 2013 today, please accept my apology.  Last week when describing "collapsing headings" in Word 2013 I stated, "…when you hover over that created section a small triangle appears to the right of the text."  That should actually be the "to the left of the text." Thanks to the users who…

Office 2013–Word, Part 2

Thanks for the emails showing your interest in the new Microsoft Office.  We will look into it some more today.  Last week we looked at the “Read Mode” and PDF conversion as well as editing options in Word 2013.  Today we will look at some other features which are new to Word. Another new feature…