How to Find Product Keys

How to Find Product Keys

One day, you may have a need for your Windows operating system’s product key or your Microsoft Office key and it does not have to be a daunting task. People have asked me how too often. There are several straightforward methods to retrieve these important codes. Let us explore some of the easiest and most…

MS Logo

OneDrive by Microsoft

Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud storage service that helps users save, sync, and share files on any device, including PCs, Macs, smartphones, and tablets. It is similar to Dropbox, Google Drive, and many other cloud storage apps in many aspects. As with some of the others, the OneDrive (the main part of the Microsoft 365…

Second Group of the 10 Best Apps for a New Computer

The 10 Best Apps for a New Computer, Part 2

Last week I looked at the first of the best ten apps I consider should be added to a new computer. I gave you information about Ninite, Google Chrome Browser, BitWarden, (or LastPass), and Malwarebytes. By-the-way, just as in the last article, here I have indicated the applications that can be installed using Ninite…

2021 Sites in Review, Part 2

2021 Sites in Review, Part 2

Here is the second part of all the sites we visited last year. If you missed the first part, check it out here. Once again, if the site addresses are too long for print, I have shortened them using my “” predecessor. They will be continuous characters after that lead without spaces and capitalization counts….

About three years ago I wrote a column about MOOC.  I have gotten emails over time with questions about this and other online training so I think it is time for a short review and an update.  The original article is found at, if you care to glance at it when you are done…


Nope, I am not referring to a car, a new superhero movie or a cheap wine.  I am however talking about one of the better applications out there.  It is cross platform meaning it is available for Linux, Windows and Mac computer operating systems. However, at this time it is not available for iPhones or…