Be Social

Be Careful with Social Media

Social Media is here to stay, but people feel differently about it. Basically, Social Media is a form of electronic communication. Usually found as websites or phone apps. They are for social gathering where users create online communities to share their thoughts, personal messages, discussion, and, sometimes, disagreements. They can use text, pictures, symbols, and/or…

Google, Protect Your Account

Secure Your Google Account

Just think about how much personal information we have stored on our phones and social media profiles these days! We need to make sure that this data is protected. Today, I will help you give your Google account more protection from hackers and malicious access. I will talk about how to use two-step verification and…

Phishing for Your Money

Be Tech Smart

I imagine if you are reading this you have been online before. Maybe you are right now. Also, you may have suffered at the hands of some scammer. You may not have been hacked, had your bank account taken over, lost any money, or anything major, but tricked…most likely. Remember Prince Abooboo from Gondwana that…

Computer Catastrophe

So, several years ago I purchased a Dell Inspiron 2-in-1 notebook. Before I continue I will answer the question, “What does 2-in-1 mean?” These models resemble a regular notebook that does something different with their keyboards. There are basically two different types of 2-in-1s; detachable and convertible. Mine is a convertible which means the keyboard…

2018-02-19 WSVA Show Notes & Podcast

  Welcome back to this month and thanks to the listeners/readers that caught my “2017” date error from last time… oops. Here is today’s podcast so if you could not listen this morning, enjoy!   The following are a few of the items we mentioned. Tech NewsFebruary 19, 2018 Report: Average business user must keep track of…

2017 Sites in Review, Part 2

  Today I will continue with the start of the 16th year of “Double Click” by providing more of last year’s links.  If the site addresses are too long for print, I have shortened them using the “” app.  The links are preceded by “” followed by various letters and numbers.  Copy them, then paste…

Be Fed Your Favorites

Do you get up every morning and go to your phone or tablet to read the latest news and information?  If so, do you have those favorite one, two or 20+ sites you visit to get the latest news?  There is an easier way to do this without visiting each site individually which you should…