The 15 Apps & Sites for Your Computer, Part 1

The 15 Apps & Sites for Your Computer, Part 1

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote two articles on what to look for when buying a new computer. People emailed asking what applications I suggest they install on a new computer once they get one. So, I have picked 15 apps that I think you should consider installing on your new, or existing, computer….

2022 Sites in Review, Part 3

2022 Sites in Review, Part 3

Here you go, for the many of you that have written saying that you appreciate the reviews of last year’s links. This is the last of 2022. Enjoy! •, this is some of the previous information I wrote and recorded regarding Google Keep. • This is the URL for where you find all…

Interesting Question

Jenny recently wrote to me and asked an interesting question. She said she had searched to see how to best move her old Windows 7 computer to a new Windows 10 laptop. She went on to explain that she wanted to transfer passwords, bookmarks, etc. There are several things I understood from her question. One…

Christmas Notebooks

I have not written about purchasing new computers for Christmas in a while. Ten years to be exact. Why not? There are so many brands, price ranges, different bells and whistles, people’s needs and more. And the, “What should I include in a new one?” question is again…vast. There are way too many choices today….


Your computer continues to start up slower than you remember it doing when you bought it.  You may have already run Disk Cleanup, Error-checking and Defragmentation but things still frustrate you about its operation.  Wouldn’t it be nice to have some "anti-frustration" software on your side? Well, there is!  Soluto has been available for several…