2015-03-16 Show Notes

Here are the notes from today’s show. Please enjoy reading, learning and clicking. Also, the podcast is available for you to listen to 365/24/7 so have at it. Ron’s Android App Recommendation (This app can be found on Google Play from your Android phone, tablet or viewed on your PC from the link below.)Gas Buddy…

Tech Christmas, Part 1

Wearable Tech is one of those technology terms that makes some sense.  It is a technology device that you wear like clothes or jewelry.  However, it does more than just look pretty.  Here are a couple of the more popular items that seem to be making lots of news (or advertising) this time of year….

Piriform Tools, Part 2

Last week I talked about two of Piriform’s excellent tools for keeping your computer in good shape. CCleaner and Defraggler. Today we will look at two others. Speccy is a very good application from Piriform; however, it is one I rarely use. You should download it and run it anyway just so you can have…

Things Wanted, Part 4

I never realized the past three articles would provide me with so much email from readers.  So today I will close out the series with one final shot at discussing things people want to know most from me.  One follow up to last week.  I did not recommend the $49 version of various tablets and…


This is a very popular way to convert your "almost" smart TV into a fairly intelligent one…at a very low cost. If you have not heard about it yet the item is called Chromecast which was developed by Google. It is a dongle…STOP!  Some of you may need to know what a dongle is so…