Traveling Minstrel

The Changing Face of Entertainment

You know the history of entertainment has changed tremendously throughout the years. I guess we first started with someone gathering around the fire ring to tell stories. They would enthrall the listeners with daring-do and excitement to escape the mundane of everyday life. In time things changed and we had bards going from town-to-town singing…

Tech Christmas, Part 2

Last week, I suggested a few techie Christmas gifts. Some readers requested a few more; so, they are as follow. Let’s start on a slightly different foot. This is similar to the musical cards that play songs or prerecorded messages when opened, but it’s a little different. At, users can create their own video…


Adobe makes many products which are used on Windows computers today. Every now and then you are reminded to update Adobe Flash. If you are the normal computer user you probably just click the “Install” button and continue on. First, let me provide a quick history of Adobe Flash. It started out in the 1990s…


This is a very popular way to convert your "almost" smart TV into a fairly intelligent one…at a very low cost. If you have not heard about it yet the item is called Chromecast which was developed by Google. It is a dongle…STOP!  Some of you may need to know what a dongle is so…

Quick Run Pee!

Someone sent me a site with an interestingly appropriate name, but you probably will not believe it.  Once you hear about it you may say, "That is really a very intelligent site."  Of course, you may also respond, "Ron is really weird!"  But either is OK with me…just read on. First, I need to give…