Malware Strikes

Before I start today I will tell you that I run all the security software you normally would on a computer.  I also only run software that I recommend to you when you ask or when I write.  That way I know what you can do for free and how well it works. I have…

Why Revo?

So, after the series of articles on applications I think are good additions to Windows, I received several questions.  A couple of which I will answer today. The first, and my favorite, was regarding my choice of Revo Uninstaller (  John wrote and wanted to know why I do not like Microsoft’s “Programs and Features.” …

Microsoft Took Control

A few weeks ago I wrote a series of articles about some Windows 10 tips.  I like Windows 10 just fine; although, I realize some of you out there do not.  But that is fine.   Choices and variety are usually good. However, after a recent Windows 10 update I found something I was really annoyed…

Windows 10 Tips, Part 4

This is most likely the last week for Windows 10 tips so grab ’em while you can. It has been fun sharing questions from emails with you about W10 but next week on to an adventure I recently had. Today I want to talk about the ribbon.  The ribbon first appeared in Microsoft Office 2007. …

Windows 10 Tips, Part 3

The last two articles concerning Windows 10 tips have garnered many emails.  Today a few more.  If you remain interested keep those email questions coming in and I will tell more! Today I will look at a few features of Windows Explorer since I had recent questions regarding it over the past weeks. First off,…