Your Phone from on the MS Windows Store

Your Phone App

Your Android Phone and What “Your Phone” Can Do for You! A little over two years ago I wrote about an app that allowed you to text from your PC, through your Android phone. It had a few other neat features and a couple of limitations. It was named Visit this link if you…

How to get to Gmail Settings

Software Combo, Google Gmail & Outlook

Due to the free Google courses …I am offering on YouTube I get some neat questions. By-the-way, 28 so far with only two more left in the series. The 29th will offer more details regarding this article, so register at GrayHaired.Tech to get an email when it comes out – hopefully, tomorrow ( So, the…

Network Speed

This column bothers me. Basically, because it did not even come close to turning out the way I thought it would. I wrote about network speeds the first of this year as I get questions regarding the topic often. However, a question to me from Jessica recently got me to test something I had not…

2018-05-21 WSVA Show Notes & Podcast

This week we had several interesting looks at AI (Artificial Intelligence) uses by Google and Microsoft.  Don’t worry Skynet has not yet come to its own…but could it be around the corner. Nope, no science fiction this week only the facts.  Check out the podcast if you missed the show. Tech NewsGmail can now autocomplete…

About three years ago I wrote a column about MOOC.  I have gotten emails over time with questions about this and other online training so I think it is time for a short review and an update.  The original article is found at, if you care to glance at it when you are done…