Windows Live Essentials

Last week I mentioned that Family Safety is one of the applications you get if you choose to install Windows Live Essentials (WLE). Here is a very short description of all the apps which come with a full installation of WLE. If any of them sound appealing try it, if not ignore them. First go…

Virtual Box

Several weeks ago I mentioned a application when talking about Ubuntu called, VirtualBox.  I had a couple of people writing asking if there was a program like VirtualBox they could use to run Ubuntu, Windows XP or another operating system on their Windows 7 computer. Guess what?  There is and it is called, "VirtualBox", (…

Power of the Broom, Part 1

According to the Internet, "Ubuntu" is an African word from the Bantu language "which has no direct translation into English, but is used to describe a particular African world-view in which people can only find fulfillment through interacting with other people…" Desmond Tutu has a good definition of it if you wish to take a…

Office Tricks, again

Today we will continue on with our last week’s discussion about tricks and tips for Office, which generated a lot of email, thanks! Try this. Open up a blank Word document and type the following sentence on a new blank line (without quotes) exactly as it appears here, without edits for spelling or capitalization. "teh…

Office Tricks

When I originally started writing this column years ago it was going to be devoted mostly to Microsoft Office products.  Since that time I have written about those products and most everything under the sun, at least computer-wise. Today, I am going back to the beginning and will answer questions I have received from several…

RSS Feeds

I receive many emails with questions regarding RSS feeds, so it must be time to revisit them.

RSS means (pick one) “RDF Site Summary”, “Rich Site Summary”, or more commonly “Really Simple Syndication”. There may be others out there. I have no idea what the problem is with…