Multiple Monitors

I had a question come in from Kelly this week about using more than one monitor on their computer.  So what about more than one monitor on your computer is it possible? It is very possible starting with Windows XP Microsoft made it fairly simple to have two monitors, IF you have the available ports…

More Android Apps

Thank you for all of the emails over the last couple of weeks regarding the past year in review.  Keep in mind you can find all the articles online at and my site, if you want to catch up. Many emails asked about the Android Market link (  Before starting you should note…

Windows 7 Taskbar Tricks

Cassie from Winchester wrote and asked me about Windows 7 and how to pin tasks to the taskbar.  She went on to ask about Jump Lists.  I was surprised in that these are very beneficial for Windows 7 users and I had not written about them before.  I remember when W7 first came out and…

Translate Office

Я не говорю NIKAKие иностранные языки; однако, слово Microsoft делает. Это реально русско? Мне нужно один из моих русских друзей вне там препятствовал мне знать. Спасибо заранее! Here is the paragraph above as I wrote it, "I do not speak any foreign languages; however, Microsoft Word does.   Is this really Russian?  I need one of…

Resuscitating the Quick Launch Toolbar in Windows 7

Last week I wrote about two Menu Applications for Windows operating systems.  I specifically mentioned Windows Vista and 7 but those two apps will work on most any of them.  They were “Desktop Sidebar” and “RocketDock“.  Check last week’s Double Click for more details. I also mentioned bringing the Windows’ “Quick Launch Toolbar” that many…

Excel Formula Auditing, Part 2

Last week we covered the first three items in Excel’s “Formula Auditing” tools: Tracing Precedents, Dependents, Remove Arrows and Show Formulas in Excel’s “Formula Auditing” tools. Today we will wrap up the last three features. I am sure you have never seen an “Error” popup box in Excel. That’s not true, unless you are an…

Excel Formula Auditing

At the end of last year I wrote a column with regard to Microsoft’s spreadsheet program Excel.  Due to the email response, (which to me at least was unexpected) it has now turned into three columns.  I guess there are more of you Excel users out there than I thought. I have continued to get…