Real Final Thoughts on Office 2013 & Internet Explorer 8, 9 or 10

I received several emails last week after my final Office 2013 article.  They asked if I would use it or not.  They wanted to know what I really thought, so this should be the absolutely, positively last Office 2013 column.  I am also including a reminder about Microsoft Internet Explorer.  Office 2013 has several revamped…

Office 2013-Outlook

Well, not all of the Office 2013 applications have a lot new going for them and Outlook is one of them.  It really has not changed that much.  It is cleaner, which is the Windows 8 "look."  As I stated in the past it is, in my opinion, boring.  As with the other Office apps…

Office 2013–Word, Part 2

Thanks for the emails showing your interest in the new Microsoft Office.  We will look into it some more today.  Last week we looked at the “Read Mode” and PDF conversion as well as editing options in Word 2013.  Today we will look at some other features which are new to Word. Another new feature…

Office 2013–Word

So I made the plunge recently and moved to Microsoft’s latest Office version which is blandly, yet I guess appropriately named "Office 2013."  So far my evaluation leans toward… "Yawn."  It performs as well as the previous version in most areas I have checked,  looks a little different,  saves to the cloud a little easier, …