2014-10-20 Show Notes

Welcome again to the WSVA/Double Clicks monthly podcast (go ahead click it to listen).  I appreciate your reading and listening to the show.  Also, for the next two months I want to know what you may be purchasing for you and yours for the Holidays.  So shoot me an email and let me know, maybe…


I have always been very careful when working on building a new computer.  There are certain things you must do; however, I missed one a couple of weeks ago.  (Geek confession coming up.) Someone came to me and basically said since I am a geek and obviously quite knowledgeable with computers would I totally rebuild…

Things Wanted, Part 2

I received quite a few emails following last week’s column. First, with regard to Thunderbird – the email client mentioned – several users said they enjoy it and have been using it for some time. David suggested another similar program, "Windows Live Mail," by Microsoft. Next, several readers chimed in with questions regarding the appeal…

Try a New Browser

Last week I talked about an issue that was happening with Google’s Chromecast and Chrome browser related to Android tablets and phones.  I stated there, "…you could always try various browsers from time-to-time and find out what you may like.  It is easy to change back at any time."  When I wrote that I did…


I have mentioned OneNote by Microsoft several times in recent articles.  I have had many emails asking me to do an introduction column regarding this application.  So here it is. In my opinion OneNote is one of the most overlooked and enigmatic applications in the Microsoft stables today.  MS has not mentioned it much until…

Windows 8.1, Part 3

W8.1, Part 3 For the past several weeks we have taken a look at Windows 8.1, the latest Operating System out of the gates at Microsoft. I have been “teasing” you about how you can make it operate more like Windows 7 (my favorite OS yet). I talked about how to find programs and more…