Microsoft Recall

Microsoft Recall

I am sure you have heard of Microsoft’s recent feature named “Recall” in Windows 11. It was recently announced it will be arriving on some new Microsoft PCs. However, you must be using a Copilot+ branded PC, which is something only the very latest PCs have. So, your current computer will not have Recall…at this…

What is OneNote and How to Use It

What is OneNote and How to Use It

The author recommends Microsoft OneNote, a free, versatile note-taking app that organizes content into Notebooks, Sections, and Pages. It allows for typed, handwritten, or dictated notes, supports audio, drawing, and web content, and searches including text in images. It works across devices and requires a Microsoft email account.

Hey whoever is listening

The Death of Cortana

Microsoft announced in June 2023 that it would be killing Cortana, the company’s voice-activated virtual assistant. The standalone Cortana app for Windows will be discontinued in late 2023, and Cortana will no longer be available on Android or iOS devices. Cortana was first introduced in 2014 as a voice assistant for Windows Phone devices. It…

MS Logo

OneDrive by Microsoft

Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud storage service that helps users save, sync, and share files on any device, including PCs, Macs, smartphones, and tablets. It is similar to Dropbox, Google Drive, and many other cloud storage apps in many aspects. As with some of the others, the OneDrive (the main part of the Microsoft 365…

Meeting Apps

The 10 Best Apps for a New Computer, Part 3

Recently, I have suggested my favorite apps which I install first on a new Windows computer. We covered four applications in the first article and these in the second; Microsoft365, Google Drive, and LibreOffice as the top three possible choices for a great production suite. They counted as #5 as you only need one and…