Podcasts Years Later

Podcasts Years Later

I wrote an article regarding Podcasts back in 2006. At that time, I received many questions for details. I hope that you are enjoying some podcasts by now. For those of you that have not tried them yet here is a refresher or for those that have asked about it again, here we go. A…


From a column a few weeks ago regarding speaking to voice activated devices, Microsoft came to mind.  You are in all likelihood aware of Cortana the voice search that comes built into Windows 10 but there is more. It all started many versions ago in Microsoft Word where you had the ability to speak to…

Music on the Go

I receive questions every now-and-then about listening to music online.  Questions like whether you can listen on a computer or a phone, free or paid music, rock or classical, etc. There are many, many streaming music options out there so you can listen to your favorite group or genre of music.  Some of the more…