2022 Sites in Review, Part 3

2022 Sites in Review, Part 3

Here you go, for the many of you that have written saying that you appreciate the reviews of last year’s links. This is the last of 2022. Enjoy! • Ghtech.site/KeepInfo, this is some of the previous information I wrote and recorded regarding Google Keep. • Google.com/devices. This is the URL for where you find all…

Thanks again result

More than Flags in Chrome

Last week we looked at how to “Flag” the Google Chrome browser and I told you this week we would have some more Chrome tips. Also, thanks to several of you who emailed thanking me for those flags and a couple of you added some that you use and enjoy. Today, something that Chrome has…

Schemes, Part 1

There are a lot of cyber-schemes going around today.  And yes, they have been going around for years.  However, it seems to me that they have become more abundant over the last several months. You know the emails with strange attachments, the links from companies asking you to log in and check your account.  Then…

Just a Little Bit

Thanks for the many questions this week that all dealt with the same thing.  Many readers wanted to know about all the references I have given out over the past several weeks.  Most everyone wanted to know what the ‘bit.ly’ links were since they accessed different sites. First, allow me to give a short explanation…