Yubikey Installed into USB port

More Security with Yubikey

Earlier this year… I made a few suggestions about your password safety. One of the things I recommended, and still do, is LastPast, which you can find here, ghtech.site/lp-howto. Here is a very quick review of LastPass. It allows you to save your login credentials, such as usernames and passwords to the app. You create…



What do all the following require… if you have an account with them; email, online banking, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, or any other site? This includes your newspaper account at the DNR and your free classes at GrayHaired.Tech. Of course, several things. First, a website to go to, next a username, and finally a password. Sites…

Password Vault

Bank accounts, dating sites, email, Facebook, Instagram, other email accounts, PC login, Twitter, websites, work, and on it goes.  What do those things have in common with most everything else on your computer?  Correct, passwords. Five years ago I wrote about various ways to keep your bazillions of passwords safe.  DO NOT do what some…