Google Account Page

Google is Watching & Recording You

Google is Watching You know by reading my steady supply of tech articles, podcasts, and other writing that I am a Google fan. I like and use most everything by Google from the search engine, email, photos, document creation, and storage to everything else they provide to us…for free. Check out the podcasts at…

Logitech Dongle

Unification of Sites, Mice, Keyboards and More

During this time of world unrest and other difficulties which are affecting our county at this time I thought I would write something that would be unifying! Do not get overly sensitive as this is not about political unrest, riots, or face masks. I write about technology and I have two unifying concepts in tech…

Your Phone from on the MS Windows Store

Your Phone App

Your Android Phone and What “Your Phone” Can Do for You! A little over two years ago I wrote about an app that allowed you to text from your PC, through your Android phone. It had a few other neat features and a couple of limitations. It was named Visit this link if you…

How to get to Gmail Settings

Software Combo, Google Gmail & Outlook

Due to the free Google courses …I am offering on YouTube I get some neat questions. By-the-way, 28 so far with only two more left in the series. The 29th will offer more details regarding this article, so register at GrayHaired.Tech to get an email when it comes out – hopefully, tomorrow ( So, the…

Google Class (26-30)

Google 030 Google 030 “How to” with the new and improved Google Meet. Find out what’s next at GrayHaired.Tech and more free classes New Features of Google Meet Google Meet Video, Google 20, “How Baby Boomers can use Google Hangouts/Meet” click here to view it, Visit Google Meet directly: Pandemic extras for Meet…

Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

Family Time

My wife and I get together with my in-laws, Robin’s sister, and her husband about once a month or so. During this virus time, we have not been able to do so. You see they live in Chesapeake, VA and we are in Harrisonburg, VA. It is about a four-hour trip. But travel is not…

Useful Android Apps, Part 8

It appears as though today’s article will be the last of the “Useful Android Apps” series. Last week we looked at “Words with Friends,” “Scrabble,” “Boggle with Friends,” “WGH Solid Gold,” “WSVA-Q101-96.1” and the DNR phone app. Today I will mention one which Toby from Richmond recommended. It is one I have used for several…

Setup a Gmail Account

OK, I have been reprimanded by Samantha, one of my enthusiastic readers.  She says that I have written about Gmail many times. This includes last week as well as over the years. She is correct. But she went on to explain I have never written about how a person goes about setting up a new…

More Gmail Tricks

From the response about last week’s new, “Scheduled Send” feature in Gmail, I found that many of you are interested in more things in Gmail. By “things”, the word some of you put in your emails I see that you want to find out about features in Gmail you may not have heard of before…