Google Hero and Yet?

As you regular readers know I am a fan of Google and yet on occasion they fail me totally.  Mostly this is due to them doing away with applications I use and enjoy: Google Reader, Calendar Sync, iGoogle, Google Notebook just to name a few. But I enjoy their products so much that I have…

Piriform Tools, Part 2

Last week I talked about two of Piriform’s excellent tools for keeping your computer in good shape. CCleaner and Defraggler. Today we will look at two others. Speccy is a very good application from Piriform; however, it is one I rarely use. You should download it and run it anyway just so you can have…

Piriform Tools, Part 1

I recently mentioned the site Piriform.  I received several emails asking about what it offers, so today we will take a look at some of the excellent free utilities they have. Their most well-known tool is CCleaner.  When the company first started out this was their first app and then it stood for, "Crap Cleaner." …

Things Wanted, Part 2

I received quite a few emails following last week’s column. First, with regard to Thunderbird – the email client mentioned – several users said they enjoy it and have been using it for some time. David suggested another similar program, "Windows Live Mail," by Microsoft. Next, several readers chimed in with questions regarding the appeal…

Things Wanted, Part 1

I get emails frequently asking a basic, "Ron is there a site (or application) that I can use to do…?"  You can fill in whatever you are wondering about for the last part of that question.  Today I thought I would mention a few of the more popular requests. Many people have several email accounts. …

2014-07-21 WSVA Show Notes

Tech NewsRussian hackers placed ‘digital bomb’ in Nasdaq CNN Money – Russian hackers managed to slip a "digital bomb" into the Nasdaq — one with the potential to sabotage the stock market’s computers and wreak havoc on the U.S. economy. That’s according to an investigative report by Bloomberg Businessweek, which revealed the details of a…

2014-05-19 WSVA Show Notes

Welcome to today’s Show Notes and Podcast. I hope you enjoy listening and reading what went on today. Not many items covered but many interesting discussions. Tech NewsSA police to verify identities with Android fingerprint scanner A fleet of 150 Android-powered mobile fingerprint biometric scanners from NEC will be deployed to allow the South Australian…