
The article last week regarding Livescribe generated many emails from readers, for which I thank you.  I really enjoy reading about your technology thoughts and discoveries, as well as tips like the one I got from Lisa this week.  She told me about an application she uses on her phone and tablet which helps take…

Your Abandoned Smartphone May Betray You

(from TechNewsWorld, By Richard Adhikari That phone you so callously turned over to another may be harboring some of your secrets — and it may be all too willing to spill its guts. An examination of 20 used phones purchased on eBay turned up more than 1,500 family photos of kids, 750 photos of…

Get Help, Join Me

Last week we looked at "Windows Remote Assistance" to see how you could give or receive help with your computer issues.  It works well but as I said there are drawbacks in that you need to be going from a Windows to a Windows computer and could not link with a Mac or Ubuntu (Linux)…

Google Keep

Google Keep

Welcome back to another week of Double Click (now, Gray Haired Tech). I would like to remind you to shoot me an email with your tech/computer questions when you run into them. I am always glad to hear from you guys any time. If you read the column regularly you will know that I have…

Passcode, What Passcode?

Robert wrote me recently with a question I had never received before.  It was an excellent question. I am sure some of you have bumped up against before, too.  He wrote saying that he had just gotten back from a vacation out of the country and had not wanted to be bothered by work.  To…