Dictation recorder

Robot Writers

I have been a tech geek for many years. I have also been waiting for things guaranteed to me as a kid. They were supposed to be here by the year 2000. You know, flying cars and self-driving cars. Of course, we now have both to a very limited extent. As an adult geek, I…

Useful Android Apps, Part 4

Last week we looked at Android apps (most also available for iPhones) that help you with research, collecting information, podcasts, players and audiobook readers. Today a few more very useful apps but first a reference back to last week. I used the term “newb” (spelled N  E  W  B) last week and several people emailed…

2015-04-20 Show Notes

You missed another good show today if you could not join us at 9:00 am on WSVAWSVA but here is the podcast along with a list of some of the things we talked about.  Enjoy reading and listening. Tech NewsBinoculars That Use Digital Trickery to Give You Super-Sight Wired.comWhether you’re a dedicated bird watcher or…