The Most Popular Browser

About five years ago I wrote an article similar to this one but over time things change. More importantly than the changes is that you all write to me. I am often asked something similar to, “What is your favorite browser?” or “What is the most popular browser today?” So today I thought we would…

Passcode, What Passcode?

Robert wrote me recently with a question I had never received before.  It was an excellent question. I am sure some of you have bumped up against before, too.  He wrote saying that he had just gotten back from a vacation out of the country and had not wanted to be bothered by work.  To…

2012 Sites in Review, Part 2

As I stated last week, I annually provide links to all of the sites we have visited throughout the previous year at Remember, if the site addresses are too long to type I have shortened them with  Here they are in their order of appearance with short descriptions of each. Google Calendar –…