Chrome Extensions, Part 6

This week we will continue examining Chrome Extensions.  They will all be related to one item…Google.  Since I have gotten emails thanking me for this series of articles I have bad news for those who liked it, we only have one more to go after this one.  For those of you that were bored that…

Chrome Extensions, Part 5

Thanks to the emails I have received I will continue this week with many of the Google Chrome browser extensions that I like and/or find useful. First this week is the “Email this page (by Google)” extension.  If you use Gmail, which you are since you are using Chrome or you would not be reading…

Chrome Extensions, Part 4

As I start off this week many of you have written me asking about other extensions.  A friend who reads the articles, knowing how I use my computer, suggested I put in more extensions than I had originally planned.  So, today I will continue by showing you the Chrome Browser Extensions I intended to.  However,…

Be Fed Your Favorites

Do you get up every morning and go to your phone or tablet to read the latest news and information?  If so, do you have those favorite one, two or 20+ sites you visit to get the latest news?  There is an easier way to do this without visiting each site individually which you should…

Voice Assistants

Some of the big technology devices to hit in recent years are Voice Assistants. The idea first came about on TV with Star Trek in the ‘60s. This was when you could communicate by voice instructions with the computers. In the real world, “Siri” started on the iPhone 4S at its release in October 2011….

2015-07-20 Show Notes

Welcome to the July radio show/podcast!  We had many callers with issues and some answers from me.  You can download or listen to the podcast here.  Here are just a couple of the things we talked about today. Tech NewsScreen Addiction Is Taking a Toll on Children Excessive use of computer games among young people…