Google Lens p3

Google Lens, Part 3

For the last couple of weeks, we have looked at Google Lens. Lens is a free app that does many things. To catch up on the first ones I wrote about, visit Part 1 or Part 2 as you feel led. Today I will start with one Lens feature that is not quite perfect. However,…

Google Lens, Part 2

Google Lens, Part 2

Last week, I mentioned a fantastic app call Google Lens. I talked about some basics and thought about doing a part two. From a few emails I got, I ran with it since it was pretty popular. So, here goes. If you want the basics from last week, read that column here. I have been…

Google Lens Part 1

Google Lens, Part 1

One of my friends, Neil, had a few questions recently about Google Lens, which he had just started using. I was going to refer him to an article or two I wrote about it a while back. However, I discovered I had notes about it with updates that I had never published. So, today I…

2018-02-19 WSVA Show Notes & Podcast

  Welcome back to this month and thanks to the listeners/readers that caught my “2017” date error from last time… oops. Here is today’s podcast so if you could not listen this morning, enjoy!   The following are a few of the items we mentioned. Tech NewsFebruary 19, 2018 Report: Average business user must keep track of…

2017 Sites in Review, Part 2

  Today I will continue with the start of the 16th year of “Double Click” by providing more of last year’s links.  If the site addresses are too long for print, I have shortened them using the “” app.  The links are preceded by “” followed by various letters and numbers.  Copy them, then paste…