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I know you have heard of Bluetooth in recent years and you like many people, may use it. But what exactly is Bluetooth? Bluetooth is a wireless connection similar to Wi-Fi. It allows you to connect two devices together for data transfer or for communications. It is a short-range technology that works by connecting those…

Google, Protect Your Account

Secure Your Google Account

Just think about how much personal information we have stored on our phones and social media profiles these days! We need to make sure that this data is protected. Today, I will help you give your Google account more protection from hackers and malicious access. I will talk about how to use two-step verification and…

Phishing for Your Money

Be Tech Smart

I imagine if you are reading this you have been online before. Maybe you are right now. Also, you may have suffered at the hands of some scammer. You may not have been hacked, had your bank account taken over, lost any money, or anything major, but tricked…most likely. Remember Prince Abooboo from Gondwana that…

Gmail Extras, Part 7, Undo Send & Vacation Responder

Gmail Extras, Part 7, Undo Send & Vacation Responder

I thought maybe I was writing too many Gmail articles for my readers. But from the number of email questions and comments I have received, that does not seem to be an issue. You want more, so, here we go–continuing from last week. Please keep the questions and comments coming as I appreciate hearing what…