Useful Android Apps, Part 8

It appears as though today’s article will be the last of the “Useful Android Apps” series. Last week we looked at “Words with Friends,” “Scrabble,” “Boggle with Friends,” “WGH Solid Gold,” “WSVA-Q101-96.1” and the DNR phone app. Today I will mention one which Toby from Richmond recommended. It is one I have used for several…

Dongle Troubles?

Well you know the internet…everything you read is true. Okay, you know me, I doubt many things I read on the internet. In 2016, security people found another security hole.  Can you believe that? It seems like this type of thing pops up on a pretty regular basis. And usually they are the mountain-out-of-a-molehill variety….

Setup a Gmail Account

OK, I have been reprimanded by Samantha, one of my enthusiastic readers.  She says that I have written about Gmail many times. This includes last week as well as over the years. She is correct. But she went on to explain I have never written about how a person goes about setting up a new…

More Gmail Tricks

From the response about last week’s new, “Scheduled Send” feature in Gmail, I found that many of you are interested in more things in Gmail. By “things”, the word some of you put in your emails I see that you want to find out about features in Gmail you may not have heard of before…

Double Clicks Live

I mentioned on the WSVA Radio Show last week, and yesterday with Beth Bland from VPAS (Valley Program for Aging Services), regarding my new endeavor.  I feel that is it now time to bring it to my readers. Over the past 17 years, I have written about technology here at the DNR and many other…

Read to Me

I have recently had to read many many websites online for some training I am taking. I discovered something. That discovery was that reading page after page of detailed technical jargon, especially without pictures, is a really long read. So, after a few days of reading and note taking, I discovered something else. That is…