Email Negatives, Part 2

Last week I wrote regarding some of the good of email, see “Email Positives, Part 1” if you missed it. This week I will voice some of my concerns regarding this great feature of the computer age. Email has been around forever. Well not quite, as Ray Tomlinson is attributed with devising email in 1972…

Need Your Password?

This column will presuppose you have your browser set up to automatically save your websites’ passwords.  Some people do not but many do save their passwords in their browser so they can very quickly log into websites.  I use it in Google Chrome but you can do the same thing in all of the major…

Password Vault

Bank accounts, dating sites, email, Facebook, Instagram, other email accounts, PC login, Twitter, websites, work, and on it goes.  What do those things have in common with most everything else on your computer?  Correct, passwords. Five years ago I wrote about various ways to keep your bazillions of passwords safe.  DO NOT do what some…

Windows 10, Part 1

As I mentioned for the last few weeks – today we will start the journey into Windows 10. It has had plenty of time to be tested.  Microsoft officially announced “Windows 10” (W10) on September 2014.  Then they started public beta testing or “Technical Preview” in October 2014.  If you have been paying any attention…

Chromebook Update

Over time I have received emails asking about Chromebooks.  I wrote about mine when I got it almost two years ago.  Since the emails keep coming there must be interest in them.  This is not hard to imagine since they are a very good deal for many people. Here is a very quick rundown of …