Amazon Locked?

Amazon Lock

You know, I really support the local brick and mortar businesses in the area. Our local businesses support our local people and local economy, which helps us all. But occasionally, I also purchase things through online stores. Remember that many local businesses have online sales, so the line sometimes blurs. Today I want to mention…

Gray Haired Tech logo


For, the past 18 years plus I have been Double Click here at the Daily News-Record and many other places online. I have recently decided to create a change, the reason for the David Bowie quote from 1971, “Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes.” At this point I will still be known as Ron Doyle, Double Click at the DNR;…

ZOOM Bombing

ZOOM Bombing

Recently meeting software of all sorts has replaced working in an office, talking face-to-face with friends/coworkers, and even some doctor visits can be made online.  Different scenarios in everyday life situations which we would have never thought about five or six months ago have been instituted over the past months. I talked directly about Google…