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Google Meetings Update

Google Meetings …which I have written about before) has experienced some changes since I spoke to you regarding it back toward to start of COVID. Here is the original article ( which still contains great info if you are interested.   It was also at that time transitioning to its new name with new features….

Google Account Page

Google is Watching & Recording You

Google is Watching You know by reading my steady supply of tech articles, podcasts, and other writing that I am a Google fan. I like and use most everything by Google from the search engine, email, photos, document creation, and storage to everything else they provide to us…for free. Check out the podcasts at…

Gray Haired Tech logo


For, the past 18 years plus I have been Double Click here at the Daily News-Record and many other places online. I have recently decided to create a change, the reason for the David Bowie quote from 1971, “Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes.” At this point I will still be known as Ron Doyle, Double Click at the DNR;…

Google Class (26-30)

Google 030 Google 030 “How to” with the new and improved Google Meet. Find out what’s next at GrayHaired.Tech and more free classes New Features of Google Meet Google Meet Video, Google 20, “How Baby Boomers can use Google Hangouts/Meet” click here to view it, Visit Google Meet directly: Pandemic extras for Meet…

Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

Family Time

My wife and I get together with my in-laws, Robin’s sister, and her husband about once a month or so. During this virus time, we have not been able to do so. You see they live in Chesapeake, VA and we are in Harrisonburg, VA. It is about a four-hour trip. But travel is not…

Wrong way to clean smartphone

Spring Cleaning for your notebook, phone, etc…

Last week we took a look at doing some spring cleaning on your desktop computer. This week: other devices. DO NOT take your notebook apart unless you know what you are doing. Notebooks can benefit from opening them up and blowing air in them to clear the dust, dirt, and other stuff out. I have,…

Google Timeline

Hansel and Gretel

You know, we, just like you, are getting cabin-fever and ready to get out of the house. My wife, Robin, had a great idea the other night. She told me, “Hey, since we are getting five to six weeks to a full tank of gas so far, why don’t we go for a ride around…