Google Lens, Part 2

Google Lens, Part 2

Last week, I mentioned a fantastic app call Google Lens. I talked about some basics and thought about doing a part two. From a few emails I got, I ran with it since it was pretty popular. So, here goes. If you want the basics from last week, read that column here. I have been…

Google Lens Part 1

Google Lens, Part 1

One of my friends, Neil, had a few questions recently about Google Lens, which he had just started using. I was going to refer him to an article or two I wrote about it a while back. However, I discovered I had notes about it with updates that I had never published. So, today I…

Leaping Dino

Google Chrome Browser Extras, Part 1

This week we will look at a couple of “secret” tricks you can do with the Google Chrome browser. According to Global Share Statcounter as of today ( Chrome remains in the #1 position as the most popular browser, with a 64% market share worldwide. It is followed by Safari with 19%, and Edge at…

Thanks again result

More than Flags in Chrome

Last week we looked at how to “Flag” the Google Chrome browser and I told you this week we would have some more Chrome tips. Also, thanks to several of you who emailed thanking me for those flags and a couple of you added some that you use and enjoy. Today, something that Chrome has…

Chrome & Flags

Chrome Flags

Today we are going to look at flags, Google Flags, to be specific. I thought I had written about this before, but I missed it. These have been around, in some form, for years and are useful if Google Chrome is your default browser. Depending on when, in the future, you are reading this, these…

Google Voice Screen

Google Voice

I hate to repeat myself, but today I will. I wrote an article about this same application approximately ten years ago. The reason I am writing about it again is the number of questions I get about it, along with learning new features it has, from other users. First, for any of this to work…

Toshiba Thrive

Which Tablet for You?

Chloe wrote to me recently asking about buying a tablet. She said that she had read an article of mine from several years ago regarding tablets. I had mentioned that I had used Android Tablets (Google based) as well as iPads (Apple based). At that time, I was a firm believer in Google based Android…

Windows 11

Are You Ready for Windows 11?

So we have had Covid-19, death and illness along with many small business failures because of Covid, oil pipelines, LinkedIn, Facebook and others hacked in 2021, fights for the presidency (not unusual) along with many problems over the past months. So, guess what? Now we are getting ready for a new release of Microsoft’s Operating…