You ARE Being Watched

I have mentioned before that if you have an Android phone or use Google Maps on any device, your movements are being recorded.  Just browse to “” for a peek.  Once there, click the menu (hamburger, three horizontal bars) on the upper left and choose “Your timeline.”  Take a look around and see where you…

Microsoft Took Control

A few weeks ago I wrote a series of articles about some Windows 10 tips.  I like Windows 10 just fine; although, I realize some of you out there do not.  But that is fine.   Choices and variety are usually good. However, after a recent Windows 10 update I found something I was really annoyed…

Another Two Bite the Dust

Google told the world on February 12 it will no longer support, wait are ready for it?  If you said, "Picasa" you got it right (  Now I will not yell too loudly about this one since I was not a big Picasa lover.  It seemed a little convoluted to me; however, many people love(d)…

Map Follow Up

Last week’s column generated a lot of email questions and comments.  I did not realize there were a lot of Google Maps and Waze users out there.  Some people had never heard of Waze and now are trying it out.  Let me know how you like or dislike it as you experiment.  One person brought…

Calendar Sync +

I have written before about Google having rolled out many very good applications over time. I have also remarked that unfortunately they also kill many very good applications off when they should not. I have listed several of my favorites in earlier columns so I will not again. If you are interested read this for…