Google Photos, Part 2

As a follow-up to the last time when we looked at Google Photos due to the number of emails I received, we will continue this week. We will look at a few more of them that may surprise you. First, how about grouping all of your friends and family by face. So if you need…

Google Photos, Part 1

OK, before some of you write me this week asking why I am pushing a Google product again let me head off your questions.  No, I do not own Google stock, I am not paid by them, I do not have any ties to the tech-giant, I have never received a kickback or even a…

2016-02-15 Show Notes

Welcome back to the Show Notes to the Talk Show from this morning. Kick back and relax if you are in the snow, rain, sun or wherever. Listen to the podcast while you read. Tech News AT&T jumps into the fast lane with ultraspeedy 5G field trial 5G is coming. Eventually. The fifth generation of…