Gmail Labels

Last week we looked at Gmail’s General Settings.  As a result of your emails, today we move on to Gmail Labels. You get to Labels the same way you got to General Settings last week.  You must first be logged into your Gmail account (  Then look to the upper right corner and hover the…


Well I have been given a "fan-boy" title.  Since I have been writing about Google’s many products and features for a few weeks I was emailed recently and asked why I was such a Google Fanboy.  I have used that term before (re: Apple) so figured this time I would look it up and online…

Alerts from Google

When I do talks and meetings with people who read this column around the area, there is a question I get most every time.  That question is, "Where do you get ideas for the columns?"  That is a great question and there are several answers to it.  My favorite place is from emails my readers…

Gmail Alias Address

You may be tired of reading about Google Earth, Gmail, Google Calendar, Gmail Call and all other “G” related apps from me.  However, when they offer something unique, useful or just plain fun, I feel like I owe it to you to let you know about them. This week I stumbled on one I had…

Gmail Call

If you are a Gmail user you will have noticed something new in the last couple of weeks. If you did not notice it you must have popup ads blocked on your browser. Google was pretty persistent in letting you know about it. I am not sure of the exact name of the feature since…

RSS Feeds

I receive many emails with questions regarding RSS feeds, so it must be time to revisit them.

RSS means (pick one) “RDF Site Summary”, “Rich Site Summary”, or more commonly “Really Simple Syndication”. There may be others out there. I have no idea what the problem is with…

Email Apps

Thanks for the emails I received regarding the last column about “Secure P@55w0rdz“.  Most of you commented on the spelling I used in that word.  That is somewhat standard usage by geeks.  I’m glad you enjoyed it.  Apparently it caused a few of you to increase your passwords’ difficultly level which is a good thing. …