Podcasts Years Later

Podcasts Years Later

I wrote an article regarding Podcasts back in 2006. At that time, I received many questions for details. I hope that you are enjoying some podcasts by now. For those of you that have not tried them yet here is a refresher or for those that have asked about it again, here we go. A…

Hard Drive vs. Brain

Hard Drive vs. Brain

So, one day, Tom, Clyde, Kim, and I were sitting around solving world problems. One of us said something like, “I wish my brain was like my hard drive in my computer.” I could remember everything in it, discuss the subject I was looking for, elaborate on it not forgetting one detail about the topic,…

Chrome Extensions

Chrome Extensions Six Years Later, 2

We looked at a few Google Chrome Extensions last week that I have been using for a while. BitWarden, Capital One Shopping, Chrome Remote Desktop, and DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials were briefly examined. I list them alphabetically, not in order of relevance or necessity. You could find all of them to be quite helpful when using…

Traveling Minstrel

The Changing Face of Entertainment

You know the history of entertainment has changed tremendously throughout the years. I guess we first started with someone gathering around the fire ring to tell stories. They would enthrall the listeners with daring-do and excitement to escape the mundane of everyday life. In time things changed and we had bards going from town-to-town singing…

Games That Ron Plays

You know over the years I have been asked why I do not write about games that I like to play. There are a couple of reasons. One is that I do not have a lot of time to play games often and when I do I stick to my two or three favorites. Another reason is that my favorite games are most likely boring to people; however, today I will come out of my shell.

My favorite game is…

2017 Sites in Review, Part 2

  Today I will continue with the start of the 16th year of “Double Click” by providing more of last year’s links.  If the site addresses are too long for print, I have shortened them using the “bit.ly” app.  The links are preceded by “rd.dblclx.com” followed by various letters and numbers.  Copy them, then paste…

Voice Assistants

Some of the big technology devices to hit in recent years are Voice Assistants. The idea first came about on TV with Star Trek in the ‘60s. This was when you could communicate by voice instructions with the computers. In the real world, “Siri” started on the iPhone 4S at its release in October 2011….