What is OneNote and How to Use It

What is OneNote and How to Use It

The author recommends Microsoft OneNote, a free, versatile note-taking app that organizes content into Notebooks, Sections, and Pages. It allows for typed, handwritten, or dictated notes, supports audio, drawing, and web content, and searches including text in images. It works across devices and requires a Microsoft email account.

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Everything for Windows

  I mentioned “Everything for Windows” in one of the “Sites in Review” series a couple of weeks ago. A reader emailed and said, “Ron, I cannot find your article from 2023 about ‘Everything.’” She continued, “Could you shoot me a copy of it?” Well, of course, I would email her a copy. However, after…

hound dog with phone

Phone Numbers

Well, I know that you understand what phone numbers are, and it is very likely you have one. If you are working or own a business, you may have two. If you have a fax machine, which many do not anymore, you have a third number or more. But what if you are like me…

Common Questions, Part 2

Common Questions, Part 2

Last week we looked at some of the random questions I have gotten from time-to-time over the years. Today, we will proceed with additional questions and answers. You requested more after last week’s session, so here they are. Q: What is RAM? A: Random Access Memory, commonly known as RAM, is a form of computer…

Office Alternatives

Office Alternatives

This is the third week of me referencing some more common questions I get from my readers. The first week we looked at various browsers and bookmarking sites. Next, we looked at suggestions for free email accounts. Now, one that I have visited years ago and things have only gotten better, Office Suites. Most everyone…