Windows 10 & 11 Task Managers

Task Manager

Have you ever had a program lock up on your computer so that you could not do anything with it, including closing it? Many times, people will reboot their computers to resolve those types of issues. But there may be an easier way. That is done by using Task Manager. Not only can it shut…

Clean sweep

Computer Audit

You know, many years ago, I was a banker. Every year, we went through a couple of audits. They were always nerve-racking. Not due to anything done disreputable but because you knew those people were pros at dotting the “i” and crossing the “t” to the Nth degree. Because of a conversation Jim Britt and…

Schemes, Part 4

There is another scam that you may have heard of floating around the internet.  It is not a joke and is not to be ignored if it happens to you. You may be working on your computer and get a phone call.  The caller may tell you they are from Microsoft, or some other tech…

Select Text…Maybe

I recently received an email from Bev which at first seemed very strange.  She said, "Recently, when I select a portion of text to change it such as bold it, delete it, etc. — the selection won’t hold."  At first I thought it was just in Word and figured that possibly her Word documents were…