Man with Credit Card

Virtual Credit Cards?

A virtual credit card, also known as a disposable credit card or a temporary credit card number, is a unique, onetime use credit card number that is generated by a credit card issuer or a financial institution. This number can be used to make purchases online or over the phone, and it is designed to…

Tunnels on the Internet

At a recent speaking engagement, I was talking to the group about security.  This discussion was centered on Virtual Private Networks or VPNs.  Since 1996 when a Microsoft employee created a secure tunneling system for computers, VPNs have been around.  It was not as we know a VPN today; however, it certainly set the process…

Excel Formula Auditing, Part 2

Last week we covered the first three items in Excel’s “Formula Auditing” tools: Tracing Precedents, Dependents, Remove Arrows and Show Formulas in Excel’s “Formula Auditing” tools. Today we will wrap up the last three features. I am sure you have never seen an “Error” popup box in Excel. That’s not true, unless you are an…

Excel Formula Auditing

At the end of last year I wrote a column with regard to Microsoft’s spreadsheet program Excel.  Due to the email response, (which to me at least was unexpected) it has now turned into three columns.  I guess there are more of you Excel users out there than I thought. I have continued to get…