Bookmark Toolbars

Bookmarks are a great way to keep track of sites you wish to go back to on occasion while online.  If you have not ever used them you should.  Bookmarks have been around since the Mosaic browser started them in 1993.  Do not worry if you have not heard of Mosaic.   It has been gone…

Program Installations with a Twist, Part 2

Last time we discussed Portable Applications for your windows computers. There are several great things about portable programs.  One being they are independent which means they stand alone.  For instance, when installing them you select only one folder. Once installed, you will find that program and all of its related files in that folder.  This…

Browser Tricks, Part 2

Last time we looked at a couple of browser tricks. The column was well received so today we’ll look at a few more. For quite a long while now you have not needed to type www. or .com in most web addresses/URLs.  If you type only the main domain name, dnronline in your browser’s address…