The Most Popular Browser

About five years ago I wrote an article similar to this one but over time things change. More importantly than the changes is that you all write to me. I am often asked something similar to, “What is your favorite browser?” or “What is the most popular browser today?” So today I thought we would…

Chrome Password Manager

  I have stated before that my browser of choice is Google Chrome.  In my opinion, it is “currently” the better browser of the main ones.  At the end of 2017, W3Counter states that the top browsers used are Chrome, (59%) Safari, (15%) Firefox, (9%) Internet Explorer/Edge (8%) and Opera (4%).  Notice the significant gap…

P@55w0rd Keepers

I wrote a column last year about passwords.  Gee, don’t our digital worlds revolve around them?  If you work with computers on a regular basis you may have a million of them.  You may have them for logging onto your computer, websites, email, bank accounts, online stores, etc.  As I stated last year, “I do…