Virtual Classes

Was 2020 a Failure?

Looking back on 2020, there were a lot of disappointments to say the very least. I remember Covid-19 as the first. Then other health issues related or not… who knows for sure. Death. Job losses by way too many gainfully employed people. Isolation from family and friends causing loneliness and depression for many. Financial loss!…

Backup and Keep Your Files Safe

I have people often write to ask, “How can I keep my files safe from _________?” You can fill in the blank with one or more words. For instance, “total hard drive failure,” “accidental deletion,” “theft of my computer,” or one of the worst, “ransomware.” The word for today to combat those adversaries is, “Backup.”…

Backing Up

I have mentioned the importance of backing up your important electronic files before.  It really is important if you intend to use those files in the future.  Whether it is your previous tax returns, (done on your computer or the scanned version of your paper copies) emails or documents of any type you need to…

What about SSD vs. HDD?

I recently received an email from a reader asking about SSD compared to HDD.  What the heck are those initials…new government agencies?  Not quite.   They stand for "Solid State Disk" (or Solid State Drive or Solid State Disk drive) and "Hard Disc Drive" respectively. The HDD is the hard drive you are most likely using…